Unique creations by metalsmith Lisa Lippy.
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Bell Flower in Pink.

Bell Flower in Pink. Sea Opal and Fine Silver. 4.5” x 1.75”. $185 b.jpg
Bell Flower in Pink. Sea Opal and Fine Silver. 4.5” x 1.75”. $185 c.jpg
sold out

Bell Flower in Pink.


Sea Opal and Fine Silver.
4.5” x 1.75”.
Pendant Only.
This item has been sold but a similar one can be reproduced. Please contact the artist directly on the CONTACT page via email to discuss a reproduction. Once you come to an agreement and the piece has been completed, you will be notified that is for sale before it is uploaded on the site. You will then have the opportunity to purchase before it goes public however you are never under obligation to purchase if you’ve changed your mind or are not happy with the reproduced item.

This fine silver pendant is a beautifully modern representation of nature and whimsy with just a hint of iridescent pink to compliment almost any ensemble. It can be worn with an existing necklace or neck wire or combined with one of the neck wires available for sale in the NECK WIRE SHOPPE. Extenders can also be added to lengthen the piece and create a pendulum kinetic effect. Extenders are available on the MISC ITEMS SHOPPE page or can be made to order by contacting the artist directly on the CONTACT page.

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All products are uniquely hand made by the artist. Items listed as 'SOLD OUT' are ones that have already been purchased. They can be reproduced with slight variations in designs as is the prerogative of the artist to maintain uniqueness.

If you see and item that has been sold and you would like to inquire about a reproduction please use the 'CONTACT" page to begin a dialogue directly with the artist to speak about any desired changes (i.e. - color, size etc.) and she will begin work once you have come to an agreement. Once the reproduction has been made it will be catalogued and  you will be notified via email with images, details and pricing.  If you like the newly reproduced design then it will be available to you for purchase and the item will be listed as 'SOLD OUT'. You are not obligated to purchase if the new design does not suit your needs. Simply inform the artist as soon as possible via email with your decision not to purchase and the item will proceed with the listing process and will be available for purchase on a first come first served basis.

Most items that are currently unoxidized have the capabilities of being oxidized, (i.e. - the darkening of metal through the process of oxidation.) Examples of the oxidation process can be seen throughout the website. If you see a product that you would prefer to have oxidized/darkened please submit an inquiry via the 'CONTACT' page to begin a dialogue directly with the artist.

If you would like further information about any item, (i.e. - more specific sizing, weights, more images, etc.) please contact the artist via the 'Contact' page.